SouthPark Community Partners

SouthPark Community Partners is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to lead SouthPark's advancement by driving economic vitality, creating memorable experiences, and ensuring an extraordinary quality of life. Meet our staff and board.

What We Do

SCP was established in 2022 and is the result of a public-private partnership. We provide professional management of the SouthPark Municipal Service District (MSD-6) through an annual contract with the City of Charlotte. Our work includes advocacy, community engagement, economic development, marketing and events, placemaking, and urban planning.

Our Service Area

SCP focuses its work within the boundaries of MSD-6, which comprises one square mile in the heart of SouthPark’s commercial core, shown in blue on the map.


SouthPark Community Partners is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization that is governed under North Carolina's municipal service district statute and by an independent board of directors that provides oversight and leadership on behalf of SouthPark stakeholders.